7 ноември 2009

My stereotypical anime taste :)

превземено од AltJapan

Girls Who Like Boys (Who Drive Giant Robots)


Gemuste: Anime/Comic Ranking By Gender (Japanese language)

Compiled by the otaku matchmaking service (!) Otakuma from a poll conducted between April and August of this year, here are the top anime series ranked by popularity by gender.


1) K-On!

2) The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi

3) Lucky Star

4) Gundam (all series)

5) Saki


1) Gundam (all series)

2) K-On!

3) Code Geass

4) Macross Frontier

5) Evangelion / Toradora! (tie)

So what do we have here? Four out of five of the top shows watched by girls are about giant robots, while four out of five of the top shows watched by boys are about little girls! Welcome to the new world order, otaku-style...

Хмм, се осеќам дел од стереотипот, со тоа што никогаш не сум ги сакала момците кои ги возат роботите, туку самите роботи, и сум ги ценела девојките што ги растураат / водат момците кои возат роботи.
Enough excuses - my anime taste - a part of the new world order, otaky-style :)))

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